A complete feed for all classes of mini pigs. Feed to mini pigs to about 1-2% body weight (one standard 8 oz cup equates to 0.4 lb of Squeals of Joy. Adjustment may be necessary in order to reach desired body condition. Feed mini pig sows to appetite during lactation and to proper body condition during…
Sugar beets are a good addition to your food plot; not a single source food plot. Sugar Beets grow well mixed in with many other food plot selections. Sugar beets provide plenty of energy to deer in the fall (Sugar Beet root are 25 to 30% fructose or sugar). The energy is converted to fat stores…
Sorghum Sudangrass is a warm-season annual grass developed as a hybrid cross between forage sorghum and sudangrass. It is commonly used as a versatile forage option for grazing, hay, or silage. Â Hybrids will regrow the following harvest by cutting or grazing. Planting rates vary from 20 to 40 pounds per acre depending on whether the…
Black Oil (peredovik) Sunflowers are a great choice for wildlife. Dove, quail, turkey, pheasant and song birds love the oily seeds and deer will readily browse both the seed heads and the plants. Black oils make an excellent companion crop for lablab, soybeans, mung beans, iron and clay peas and many other trailing type legumes….
Excellent freezer sweet corn 9 long ears 4-16 rows of large, crisp, golden yellow corn kernels that cover the tip Cultivate weekly or mulch to control weeds Keep soil moist 93 days to harves
Kandy Korn Hybrid Sweet Corn is a yellow, sugary enhanced corn variety that was bred for improved germination and vigor in cool weather. It has extra sweet, tender kernels that retain that sweetness for 3-5 days after picking. Late variety Grows to 8 tall Beautiful maroon streaked leaves
Peaches and Cream is one of the sweetest and most tender corns ever developed. This variety is a delicious gourmet bicolor sweet corn that has great tasting yellow and white kernels. Peaches and Cream matures early.
Silver King Sweet Corn is a hybrid, white, sugary enhanced (se) variety that is sweeter, matures earlier and stores better than the closely related Silver Queen variety. Great for freezing and preserving creamed corn About 2,000 seeds per pound 80 days to harvest
Silver Queen is the popular late-season variety with tenderness and flavor worth waiting for. Plants grow to 8 Large ears, 8 to 9 long with 14-16 rows of white kernels Top rated for productivity, flavor and adaptability 1 2 pound = about 960 seeds and sows a 100 ft row 92 days to harvest
The Roma tomato is a plum tomato popularly used for both canning and producing tomato paste because of its slender and firm nature. Romas are also known as Italian tomatoes or Italian plum tomatoes.
 Placing Trophy Rock in staging areas or near bedding areas usually works best. Place your Trophy Rock on a stump or another flat rock keeping it up off the ground. It will last much longer in the field if you avoid mud puddles. Trophy rock has found deer to be much more relaxed at…
Just Right is a hybrid turnip. Bulbs are smooth, pure white and semi globed in shape. Uniform, very large, 4.75 – 6 in diameter Early bolting habit Very late pithiness Recommended harvest is fall to winter 70 days to harvest